Panasonic 700 Cell Phone User Manual

Section 700 - Operation Chapter 5. Key Telephone Features
ICX-50-700 ICX (International) issued October 2000 127
Busy Override
Busy Override allows you to break into another user’s outside or intercom calls to relay urgent
information or to create three-party conference calls.
To break into a call with a line appearance on your phone (Trunk Key Busy Override):
To use Extension Busy Override:
Hardware Requirements
You cannot break in on three-party conference calls.
The default for the Override Alert Tone is off. If the Override Alert Tone is enabled, the tone will
be sent to both parties when a call is overridden.
Beginning with Version 4.0 and higher, certain extensions can be excluded from busy override
based on Class of Service.
Action Result
1. Press the lit direct trunk key. • Alert tone sounds to both phones (Sys-
tem programming required)
• Connected to both parties
Action Result
1. Lift the handset or press the ON/OFF key. Intercom dial tone
2. Dial the extension number. • Dialled extension number displays
• Busy tone
3. Enter the Busy Override code (default = 9 [UK/HK] or 9#
[Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia]).
• Alert tone sounds to both extensions
(System programming required)
• Connection to both parties
OVR1: (name of overriding exten-
sion) and OVR2: (extension name
for current talk path) displays on
both extensions