Panasonic 700 Cell Phone User Manual

Section 700 - Operation Chapter 5. Key Telephone Features
ICX-50-700 ICX (International) issued October 2000 153
To remove a Busy Tone (Hang up) from an 8-party conference:
Hardware Requirements
A Conference Card (VB-44120) must be installed in the System in order to conference more than
three parties.
**If all the internal parties hang up, the conference call will be disconnected. If the internal party
remains in the conversation, the conference call remains in progress.
When three parties are conferenced, a built-in 3-party conference circuit is used. If no 3-party
conference circuit is available, a conference cannot be established.
When a fourth party is added, the conference is moved to a conference circuit on the 8-party
conference card. If an 8-party conference circuit is not available, a fourth party cannot be added
to a conference.
Once an 8-party conference circuit is used, it continues to be used as long as the conference
An 8-party conference card supports up to four 8-party conference circuits. However, the card
must be placed in cabinet slots 1, 5, or 9 to support more than one 8-party conference circuit (and
jumpered accordingly).
Directory Numbers
A Directory Number (DN) allows extension numbers to be used on a key basis. The same DN may be
assigned to multiple keys on the same telephone and to keys on other telephones.
When a telephone’s extension number is assigned to a key on the same telephone, it is considered a
Primary Directory Number (PDN). Up to three appearances of the PDN may be assigned to keys on a
key telephone. This allows for multiple calls on the same DN.
When a DN is assigned to an FF key on another telephone, it is considered a Non-Primary Directory
Number (NPDN). Up to three NPDN appearances of the same DN may be assigned to keys on a
telephone. This allows calls to the DN to appear on multiple telephones. The calls ring in on a
specified basis - immediate, delayed, or no-ring.
A telephone may only have one PDN (on up to three keys) but may have multiple NPDNs with up to
three appearances of any one NPDN.
Action Result
1. During an conference with more than 3 parties, press
CONF + (n) (where n is the number 1-7 for the conference
parties) to individually select a conference party.
The other party is placed on hold.
2. If you did not select the conference party that is giving busy
tone, re-enter the conference by pressing the CONF key.
CONF Members: X (where X = 4-7
party conference) displays
3. If you selected the conference party that is giving busy tone,
hang up and then go off-hook again and press the CONF
key to re-enter the conference call.
CONF Members: Y (where Y = 4-6
party conference) displays