136 ICX (International) issued October 2000 ICX-50-700
Chapter 5. Key Telephone Features Section 700 - Operation
To place a call on Broker’s Hold:
Hardware Requirements
• In order to use Broker’s Hold with trunk calls, the first call must have a possible appearance and
non-appearance, but in the case of appearance, the first call must be one of trunk key.
Call Park
You can use the Call Park function to transfer a call, even if you cannot locate the intended recipient
of the call.
Trunk, Extension, and Network calls may be parked.
There are two ways for an extension to park a call on the ICX . One way is to park the call at the
receiving extension and to retrieve the parked call at another extension by dialling the park answer
code plus the parking extension number. The other way is to park the call at another extension and dial
the park transfer answer code at the other extension to retrieve the call. Beginning with Version 5.0,
the user may park the call at another extension by pressing the BLF key. In addition, an Extension
Group Pickup code allows the user to pick up a Transfer Recall (only on non-appearing calls), a Hold
Recall, and a Station Park Recall.
To park a call on this extension:
Action Result
1. Pick up the first call.
2. Press the HOLD key. First call on hold
3. Pick up the second call.
4. Press the HOLD key. Second call on hold, first call retrieved
Action Result
1. While on a call, press the HOLD key. • Current call on hold
• CO HOLD #XX displays (where XX =
trunk number)
2. Enter the Call Park Hold access code (default = 771 [UK/
HK] or 771# [Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia]) or press the
Accepted ST-Park displays
3. If necessary, page the party that needs to retrieve the call.