Panasonic 700 Cell Phone User Manual

Section 700 - Operation Chapter 5. Key Telephone Features
ICX-50-700 ICX (International) issued October 2000 157
Display Information
Key telephones with a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) reflect the following information:
Day and time (in 12 or 24 hour format)
Callback requests from other extensions
Caller ID information
Extension number
Extension calling party name
Extension called party status
Trunk call duration
Trunk number
Trunk name
Display telephones can also display Personal Speed Dial (PSD) Directories, System Speed Dial (SSD)
Directories, and Extension Directories, along with various other information such as the Set/Cancel
status of different features and callback messages from other extensions.
Examples of large- and small-display phones are shown in the following illustrations.
Caller ID Display Information
Prior to Version 4.0, the telephone would not display Caller ID information for an extension that was
in use when a call was received. In Version 4.0 or higher, Caller ID information is displayed on the
second line of an LCD display when an incoming call is received during conversation. If a second
incoming call is from another extension, the LCD displays the extension name or
number. If the
second incoming call is from an Exchange, the LCD displays the CID information transmitted from
the caller. Caller ID displays the second incoming call as follows:
Figure 5-4. Normal Incoming Caller ID Message (Exchange Line/Extension)