70 ICX (International) issued October 2000 ICX-50-700
Chapter 3. System Features Section 700 - Operation
DIL Delayed Incoming Ring Enhancement
Version 4.0 and higher
Prior to Version 4.0, a DIL call that was not answered by the Immediate Ringing extension was
simultaneously passed to all other extensions in the MCO if Delayed Ringing was set. Beginning with
Version 4.0, an incoming DIL call that is not answered can be passed to a single Delayed Ring
destination or to all extensions with an MCO key that includes the incoming exchange line. If the
Delayed Ringing extension is not answered, the call is forwarded the extension’s preprogrammed
location (e.g., Voice Mail, Call Forwarding, etc.) For example:
Note: The program settings in the previous figure can also be used for the following Delayed
Ringing extension destinations:
- Speed Dial
- Hunt Group Number
- Attendant Group Number
- ERA Number
Hardware Requirements
Related Programming
• FF2-0-BSSC-03 (Ring Assignment)
• FF2-0-BSSC-04 (Delayed Ring Assignment)
• FF1-0-02-0027 (DIL Delayed Ringing Pattern)
DIL Immediate
(DIL Destination = 300)
DIL Delayed
(DIL Delayed Destination = 301)
Both Versions Version 3.6 Version 4.0
FF2-0-BSSC-031 (DIL Dest. = 300)
1. Call rings on Ext. 300 only
FF2-0-BSSC-0441 (DIL Dest. = 300)
1. Call rings on Ext. 300
2. Call rolls over to Ext. 301, 302 and
303 simultaneously because they have
an MCO key that includes the
exchange line.
FF2-0-BSSC-041 (DIL Dest. = 300)
1. Call rings on Ext. 300
2. System can be programmed to ring
Ext. 301 only, or to ring all three