Panasonic 700 Cell Phone User Manual

88 ICX (International) issued October 2000 ICX-50-700
Chapter 4. User Maintenance Section 700 - Operation
Table 11. Exception Days
6. Press the HOLD key. 200 :MMDD
PTN 1 Start Day displays
7. Enter the start date by month (two characters) and day (two
characters) for Exception Period 1.
Note: To clear an entry or existing data, press the FL/R
8. Press the HOLD key. 201 :MMDD
PTN 1 Stop Day displays
9. Enter the stop date by month (two characters) and day (two
characters) for Exception Period 1.
Note: To clear an entry or existing data, press the FL/R
10. Press the HOLD key. Next Exception Day mode displays
11. To set additional Exception Day modes, press the volume
up or down key or press the HOLD key to move to the
desired mode.
Desired Exception Day mode displays
12. Repeat steps 7-11 until all Exception Day modes are set.
(Up to 6 exception periods may be specified.)
Note: The entry positions are listed in Table 11 on page 88.
13. Press the MEMORY key to exit the entry mode. 2-
Mode Except Day displays
14. To return to the top menu level (81), press the PROG key.
To exit the User Maintenance mode, press the ON/OFF
User MAINT displays
ON/OFF LED goes off
Action Result
8107-2 (200-211) Hold (MMDD) Hold
200=Start - Exception Day 1
201=End - “ “
202=Start - Exception Day 2
203=End - “ “
204=Start - Exception Day 3
205=End - “ “
206=Start - Exception Day 4
207=End - “ “
208=Start - Exception Day 5
209=End - “ “
210=Start - Exception Day 6
211=End - “ “
Month/Day of Exception Days
(Start or End)