60 ICX (International) issued October 2000 ICX-50-700
Chapter 3. System Features Section 700 - Operation
PC-Based Customizing Tool
The System can be completely configured using the PC-Based Customizing Tool. This may be done
either by directly connecting to the System or by remote connection using a modem.
The System database can be uploaded and downloaded for easy storage and retrieval.
The PC-Based Customizing Tool connects to the System through the RS232C maintenance port.
Hardware Requirements
Version 3.5 and later
QSIG is a digital signaling protocol for private-network phone systems comprised of ISDN lines.
Internationally, it is also called Private Signaling System No. 1 (PSS1).
QSIG, developed in the late 1980’s and still in the process of global standardization, provides the
ability to efficiently interconnect the remote ISDN PBX sites of large organization. In addition to
normal phone service, QSIG also supports advanced applications such as interconnection of voice/
fax/DP servers, broadband private networks, etc. In other words with QSIG “it’s not just a phone line
For more information on QSIG, see Section 570: QSIG Reference.
Hardware Requirements
Related Programming
• FF2-1: QSIG ISDN Lines
Ringing Modes
The System supports multiple types of trunk ringing including the following:
• Day 1/Day 2/Night Ringing
• Day 1/Day 2/Night Delayed Ringing
• DDI Day/Night Ringing