
DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual
The link aggregation commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the
following table.
Command Parameters
create link_aggregation group_id <value 1–32> {type [lacp | static]}
delete link_aggregation group_id <value 1–32>
config link_aggregation group_id <value1–32> {master_port <port> | ports <portlist> state [enable | disable]}
config link_aggregation algorithm [mac_source | mac_destination | mac_source_dest | ip_source |
ip_destination | ip_source_dest]
show link_aggregation {group_id <value 1–32> | algorithm}
config lacp_port <portlist> mode [active | passive]
show lacp_port {<portlist>}
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
create link_aggregation
Purpose Used to create a link aggregation group on the Switch.
create link_aggregation group_id <value 1–32> {type [lacp | static]}
Description This command is used to create a link aggregation group with a unique identifier.
<value> Specifies the group ID. The Switch allows up to 32 link aggregation groups to
be configured. The group number identifies each of the groups.
type – Specify the type of link aggregation used for the group. If the type is not specified
the default type is static.
lacp – This designates the port group as LACP compliant. LACP allows
dynamic adjustment to the aggregated port group. LACP compliant ports may
be further configured (see config lacp_ports). LACP compliant must be
connected to LACP compliant devices.
static – This designates the aggregated port group as static. Static port groups
cannot be changed as easily as LACP compliant port groups since both linked
devices must be manually configured if the configuration of the trunked group is
changed. If static link aggregation is used, be sure that both ends of the
connection are properly configured and that all ports have the same
speed/duplex settings.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To create a link aggregation group:
DGS–3426:5#create link_aggregation group_id 1
Command: create link_aggregation group_id 1
NOTE: When using LACP or static type link aggregation, be sure that both sides of
the connection are identical in speed and duplex settings.