DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual
config qinq ports
Purpose Used to configure a Q-in-Q port.
config qinq ports [<portlist>|all] {role [nni | uni] | missdrop [enable | disable] | tpid
<hex 0x1–0xffff>} (1)
Description The command is used to configure the Q-in-Q VLAN mode for ports, include:
port role in Q-in-Q mode, enable/disable SP-VLAN assignment miss drop, and port TPID.
If missdrop is enabled, the packet that does not match any VLAN translation rules will be
dropped. If disabled, then the packet will be assigned to the PVID of the received port.
This setting will not be effective when Q-in-Q mode is disabled.
<portlist> − A range of ports to configure.
role − Port role in Q-in-Q mode, it can be either UNI port or NNI port.
UNI – User-to-Network Interface specifies that communication between the
specified user and a specified network will occur.
NNI – Network-to-Network Interface speficies that communication between two
specified networks will occur.
missdrop − enable/disable C-VLAN based SP-VLAN assignment miss drop
tpid – Allows the interoperation with devices on a public network by specifying ports.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command. You must be in the
Q-in-Q mode.
Example usage:
To configure port list 1-4 as NNI port, set outer TPID to 0x88a8:
DGS–3426:5#config qinq ports 1-4 role nni tpid 0x88a8
Command: config qinq ports 1-4 role nni tpid 0x88a8
show qinq port
Purpose Used to display global Q-in-Q and a port’s Q-in-Q mode status.
show qinq port {<portlist>}
Description The command is used to display the Q-in-Q configuration for a port, including:
port role in Q-in-Q mode, enable/disable to drop the SP-VLAN assignment miss packet,
and port TPID.
<portlist> − Specifies a range of ports to be displayed.
If no parameter is specified, the system will display all port information.
Restrictions None.
Example usage
To display the double tagging mode for ports 1-4 of unit 1: