DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual
config wac user
Purpose Used to configure the VLAN ID of the user account.
config wac user <username 15> [vlan <vlan_name 32> | vlanid <vlanid 1-4094> |
Description This command is used to change the VLAN associated with a user.
Parameters username – The name of user account to be configured.
vlan – Specifies the Authentication VLAN name.
clear_vlan – Specifies that a previously configured VLAN is to be cleared.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To config the WAC user:
DGS-3426:5#config wac user alpha vlan vlan123
Command: config wac user alpha vlan vlan123
Enter a old password:***
Enter a case-sensitive new password:****
Enter the new password again for confirmation:****
config wac authorization network
Purpose To enable the acceptance of an authorized configuration.
config wac authorization network {radius [enable | disable]| local
[enable | disable]}
Description This command is used to configure the acceptance of an authorized configuration.
When the authorization is enabled for WAC’s radius, the authorized data assigned by the
RADUIS server will be accepted if the global authorization network is also enabled.
When the authorization is enabled for WAC’s local, the authorized data assigned by the
local database will be accepted.
Parameters radius – If enabled, the authorized data assigned by the RADUIS server will be accepted
if the global authorization network is enabled. The default state is enabled.
local – If specified to enable, the authorized data assigned by the local database will be
accepted if the global authorization network is enabled. The default state is enabled.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure WAC authorization from the local database:
DGS-3426:5#config wac authorization network local disable
Command: config wac authorization network local disable