DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual
config dhcp_relay option_60 delete
Purpose This command is used to delete dhcp_relay option_60 entry.
config dhcp_relay option_60 delete [string <mutiword 255> {relay <ipaddr>}
|ipaddress <ipaddr>| all |default {<ipaddr>}]
Description This command is used to delete the entry specifed by a user. When all is specified, all
rules excluding the default rules are deleted
Parameters ipaddress – Deletes any entry whose ipaddress is equal to the specified ipaddress.
default – Deletes any defaut relay ipaddress if ipaddress is not specified.
drop – Specify to drop the packet that has no matching option 60 rules.
relay – Deletes the entry, whose string and IP address are equal
to the string and IP address specified by the user.
all – Deletes all entries, however default relay servers are excluded.
string – Deletes all the entries whose string is equal to the string specified if the ipaddress
is not specified
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To delete the DHCP relay option 60:
DGS–3426:5#config dhcp_relay option_60 delete all
Command: config dhcp_relay option_60 delete all
show dhcp_relay option_60
Purpose This command is used to display DHCP relay option 60 entries.
show dhcp_relay option_60 {[string <mutiword 255>| ipaddress <ipaddr>| default]}
Description This command is used to display the DHCP relay option 60 entry by the user specified.
Parameters ipaddress – Shows the entry whose ipaddress is equal to the specified ipaddress.
default – Shows the default behaviour of dhcp_relay option60.
string – Shows the entry whose string is equal to the string of a specified user.
Restrictions None.
Example usage:
To display the DHCP relay option 60: