
DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual
DGS–3426:5#config radius delete 1
Command: config radius delete 1
config radius
Purpose Used to configure the Switch’s RADIUS settings.
config radius <server_index 1-3> {ipaddress <server_ip> |key <passwd 32> |
auth_port <udp_port_number 1-65535 > | acct_port <udp_port_number 1-65535
>|timeout <int 1-255> |retransmit <int 1-20>}(1)
Description This command is used to configure the Switch’s RADIUS settings.
<server_index 1–3> Assigns a number to the current set of RADIUS server settings. Up
to three groups of RADIUS server settings can be entered on the Switch.
ipaddress <server_ip> The IP address of the RADIUS server.
key Specifies that a password and encryption key will be used between the Switch and
the RADIUS server.
<passwd 32> The shared–secret key used by the RADIUS server and the
Switch. Up to 32 characters can be used.
auth_port <udp_port_number 1–65535> The UDP port number for authentication
requests. The default is 1812.
acct_port <udp_port_number 1–65535> The UDP port number for accounting requests.
The default is 1813.
timeout <int 1-255> – The time in seconds, that will wait for a reply from the server. If the
corresponding global parameter is supported, by default, the value will follow the global
settings. Otherwise, the default value is 5 seconds.
retransmit <int 1-20> – The count for re-transmit. If the corresponding global parameter is
supported, by default, the value will follow the global settings. Otherwise, the default
value is 2.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure the RADIUS settings:
DGS–3426:5#config radius 1 auth_port 60 retransmit 1
Command: config radius 1 auth_port 60 retransmit 1
show radius
Purpose Used to display the current RADIUS configurations on the Switch.
show radius
Description This command is used to display the current RADIUS configurations on the Switch.
Parameters None.
Restrictions None.
Example usage: