
DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual
delete authentication guest_vlan
Purpose Used to delete a configured authentication guest VLAN.
delete authentication guest_vlan [vlan <vlan_name 32> | vlanid <vlanid 1-4094>]
Description This command is used to delete the guest VLAN settings, but will not delete the static
VLAN. All ports which have an enabled guest VLAN will move to the original VLAN after
the guest VLAN has been deleted.
Parameters vlan_name 32 – Specifies the guest vlan by VLAN name.
vlanid – Specifies the guest vlan by VLAN ID.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To delete an authentication guest VLAN:
DGS-3426:5#delete authentication guest_vlan vlan Accounting
Command: delete authentication guest_vlan vlan Accounting
config authentication guest_vlan
Purpose Used to configure the security port(s) as a specific guest VLAN member.
config authentication guest_vlan [vlan <vlan_name 32> | vlanid <vlanid 1-4094>]
[add | delete ] ports [ <portlist> |all ]
Description The user can use this command to assign or remove ports to/from a guest VLAN.
If multi_authen_methods mode is none, this port is doing a single authentication. The
port will operate based on the guest VLAN configured by the single authentication
module’s command. If the single authentication module’s guest VLAN command (for
example, JWAC has no guest VLAN command) is not available, the port will not be in
guest VLAN mode.
If multi_authen_methods mode is anything other than none, the port is doing
compound authentication. The port will operate based on the guest VLAN configured by
the common authentication command.
Parameters vlan_name – Assign a name of a guest VLAN. The VLAN must be an existing static
vlanid – Assign a VLAN ID of a guest VLAN. The VLAN must be an existing static VLAN.
add – Specifies to add a port list to the guest VLAN.
delete – Specifies to delete a port list from the guest VLAN.
portlist – Specifies the configured port(s).
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure authentication guest VLAN ports:
DGS-3426:5#config authentication guest_vlan vlan RG add ports all
Command: config authentication guest_vlan vlan RG add ports all