DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual
DGS–3426:5#config ipv6 nd ra ipif triton state enable life_time 1000
reachable_time 10000 retrans_time 50000 hop_limit 10 managed_flag enable
other_config_flag enable min_rtr_adv_interval 50 max_rtr_adv_interval 100
Command: config ipv6 nd ra ipif triton state enable life_time 1000
reachable_time 10000 retrans_time 50000 hop_limit 10 managed_flag enable
other_config_flag enable min_rtr_adv_interval 50 max_rtr_adv_interval 100
config ipv6 nd ra prefix_option ipif
Purpose Used to configure the parameters for the prefix option of the router advertisements.
config ipv6 nd ra prefix_option ipif <ipif_name 12> <ipv6networkaddr>
{preferred_life_time <uint 0–4294967295> | valid_life_time <value 0–4294967295> |
on_link_flag [enable | disable] | autonomus_flag [enable | disable]} (1)
Description This command is used to configure the parameters for the prefix option located in the
router advertisements. Users may set a prefix for Global Unicast IPv6 addresses to be
assigned to other nodes on the link–local network. This prefix is carried in the Router
Advertisement message to be shared on the link–local network. The user must first have
a Global Unicast Address set for the Switch.
Parameters <ipif_name 12> – Enter the IPv6 interface name that will be dispatching these router
<ipv6networkaddr> – Enter the IPv6 prefix for Global Unicast IPv6 addresses to be
assigned to other nodes on the link–local network. This prefix is carried in the Router
Advertisement message to be shared on the link–local network. The user must first have
a Global Unicast Address set for the Switch.
preferred_life_time <uint 0–4294967295> – This field states the time that this prefix is
advertised as being preferred on the link local network, when using stateless address
configuration. The user may configure a time between 0 and 4294967295 milliseconds,
with a default setting of 604800 milliseconds.
valid_life_time <value 0–4294967295> – This field states the time that this prefix is
advertised as valid on the link local network, when using stateless address configuration.
The user may configure a time between 0 and 4294967295 milliseconds.
on_link_flag [enable | disable] – Setting this field to enable will denote, within the IPv6
packet, that the IPv6 prefix configured here is assigned to this link–local network. Once
traffic has been successfully sent to these nodes with this specific IPv6 prefix, the nodes
will be considered reachable on the link–local network.
autonomus_flag [enable | disable] – Setting this field to enable will denote that this prefix
may be used to autoconfigure IPv6 addresses on the link–local network.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure the prefix option for the interface “Zira”:
DGS–3426:5#config ipv6 nd ra prefix_option ipif Zira 3FFE:501:FFFF:100::/64
preferred_life_time 1000 valid_life_time 1000 on_link_flag enable
autonomous_flag enable
Command: config ipv6 nd ra prefix_option ipif Zira 3FFE:501:FFFF:100::/64
preferred_life_time 1000 valid_life_time 1000 on_link_flag enable
autonomous_flag enable