
DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual
config stp
loopback has been detected. After the timer has expired the Switch checks for an STP
loopback, if no loopback detected, STP will be resumed. Entering 0 will disable LBD recovery.
nni_bpdu_addr [dot1d | dot1ad] – Used to determine the BPDU protocol address for STP in a
service provided site. It can use 802.1d STP address, 802.1ad service provider STP address or
a user defined mutilcast address. The range of the user defined address is 0180C2000000 -
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure STP with maxage 18 and maxhops of 15:
DGS–3426:5#config stp maxage 18 maxhops 15
Command: config stp maxage 18 maxhops 15
config stp ports
Purpose Used to setup STP on the port level.
config stp ports <portlist> {externalCost [auto | <value 1-200000000>] |hellotime <value
1-10> | migrate [yes|no] |edge [true|false|auto]| p2p [true|false|auto] |state
[enable|disable]| restricted_role [true|false] |restricted_tcn [true|false]|lbd
[enable|disable]|fbpdu [enable|disable]} (1)
Description This command is used to create and configure STP for a group of ports.
<portlist> Specifies a range of ports to be configured. The port list is specified by listing the
lowest switch number and the beginning port number on that switch, separated by a colon.
Then the highest switch number, and the highest port number of the range (also separated by
a colon) are specified. The beginning and end of the port list range are separated by a dash.
For example, 1:3 specifies switch number 1, port 3. 2:4 specifies switch number 2, port 4. 1:3–
2:4 specifies all of the ports between switch 1, port 3 and switch 2, port 4 in numerical order.
Non–contiguous portlist entries are separated by a comma. (ex: 1:1–1:3,1:7–1:9)
externalCost This defines a metric that indicates the relative cost of forwarding packets to the
specified port list. Port cost can be set automatically or as a metric value. The default value is
auto – Setting this parameter for the external cost will automatically set the speed for
forwarding packets to the specified port(s) in the list for optimal efficiency. Default port
cost: 100Mbps port = 200000. Gigabit port = 20000.
<value 1–200000000> – Define a value between 1 and 200000000 to determine the
external cost. The lower the number, the greater the probability the port will be chosen
to forward packets.
hellotime <value 1–10> The time interval between transmission of configuration messages by
the designated port, to other devices on the bridged LAN, thus stating that the Switch is still
functioning. The user may choose a time between 1 and 10 seconds. The default is 2 seconds.
If the value is more than 2, the hellotime will be 2.
migrate [yes | no] – Setting this parameter as “yes” will set the ports to send out BDPU packets
to other bridges, requesting information on their STP setting If the Switch is configured for
RSTP, the port will be capable to migrate from 802.1d STP to 802.1w RSTP. If the Switch is
configured for MSTP, the port is capable of migrating from 802.1d STP to 802.1s MSTP. RSTP
and MSTP can coexist with standard STP, however the benefits of RSTP and MSTP are not
realized on a port where an 802.1d network connects to an 802.1w or 802.1s enabled network.
Migration should be set as yes on ports connected to network stations or segments that are
capable of being upgraded to 802.1w RSTP or 802.1s MSTP on all or some portion of the
edge [true | false | auto] true designates the port as an edge port. Edge ports cannot create