DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual
To display the parameters for a specific command:
DGS–3426:5# ? config stp
Command:? config stp
Command: config stp
Usage: {maxage <value 6–40> | maxhops <value1–20> | hellotime <value 1–10> |
forwarddelay <value 4–30> | txholdcount <value 1–10> | fbpdu [enable | disable]
| lbd [enable | disable] | lbd_recover_timer [0 | <value 60–1000000>]}
Description: Used to update the STP Global Configuration.
config stp instance_id
config stp mst_config_id
config stp mst_ports
config stp ports
config stp priority
config stp version
config command_history
Purpose Used to configure the command history.
config command_history <value 1–40>
Description This command is used to configure the command history.
<value 1–40> − The number of previously executed commands maintained in the buffer.
Up to 40 of the latest executed commands may be viewed.
Restrictions None.
Example usage
To configure the command history:
DGS–3426:5#config command_history 20
Command: config command_history 20
show command_history
Purpose Used to display the command history.
show command_history
Description This command is used to display the command history.
Parameters None.
Restrictions None.
Example usage
To display the command history: