DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual
config wac method
Purpose Used to configure the global parameter of the web authentication.
config wac method [local | radius]
Description This command is used to configure the global parameter for Web authentication.
Parameters method – Specifies the authenticated method.
local – The authentication will be done via the local database.
radius – The authentication will be done via the RADIUS server.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure the authentication method:
DGS-3426:5#config wac method radius
Command: config wac method radius
config wac auth_failover
Purpose Used to configure WAC authorization failover.
config wac auth_failover [enable | disable]
Description This command is used to configure WAC authorization failover. When the authentication
failover is disabled, if RADIUS servers are unreachable, the authentication will fail. When
the authentication failover is enabled, if RADIUS servers authentication are unreachable,
the local database will be used to do the authentication. The default state is disabled.
Parameters enable – Enables the protocol authentication failover.
disable – Disables the protocol authentication failover.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure WAC authentication failover:
DGS-3426:5#config wac auth_failover enable
Command: config wac auth_failover enable
config wac default_redirpath
Purpose Used to configure WAC default redirect path.
config wac default_redirpath <string 128>
Description This command is used to configure WAC default redirect path. If the default redirect path
is configured, the user will be redirected to the default redirect path after successful
When the string is cleared, the client will not be redirected to another URL after
successful authentication.
Parameters <string 128> – The URL that the client will be redirected to after successful
authentication. The redirected path is cleared by default.