DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual
show 802.1x auth_configuration ports
Purpose Used to display the current configuration of the 802.1X server on the Switch.
show 802.1x auth_configuration ports <portlist>
Description This command is used to display the 802.1X Port–based or MAC–based Network Access
control local users currently configured on the Switch.
<portlist> − Specifies a port or range of ports to view. The port list is specified by listing the
lowest switch number and the beginning port number on that switch, separated by a colon.
Then the highest switch number, and the highest port number of the range (also separated by
a colon) are specified. The beginning and end of the port list range are separated by a dash.
For example, 1:3 specifies switch number 1, port 3. 2:4 specifies switch number 2, port 4.
1:3–2:4 specifies all of the ports between switch 1, port 3 and switch 2, port 4 − in numerical
order. Non–contiguous portlist entries are separated by a comma. (ex: 1:1–1:3,1:7–1:9)
The following details are displayed:
Capability: Authenticator|None − Shows the capability of 802.1X functions on the port number
displayed above. There are two 802.1X capabilities that can be set on the Switch:
Authenticator and None.
AdminCtlDir: Both / In − Shows whether a controlled Port that is unauthorized will exert
control over communication in both receiving and transmitting directions, or just the receiving
OpenCtlDir: Both / In − Shows whether a controlled Port that is unauthorized will exert control
over communication in both receiving and transmitting directions, or just the receiving
Port Control: ForceAuth / ForceUnauth / Auto − Shows the administrative control over the
port’s authorization status. ForceAuth forces the Authenticator of the port to become
Authorized. ForceUnauth forces the port to become Unauthorized.
QuietPeriod − Shows the time interval between authentication failure and the start of a new
authentication attempt.
TxPeriod − Shows the time to wait for a response from a supplicant (user) to send EAP
Request / Identity packets.
SuppTimeout − Shows the time to wait for a response from a supplicant (user) for all EAP
packets, except for the Request / Identity packets.
ServerTimeout − Shows the length of time to wait for a response from a RADIUS server.
MaxReq − Shows the maximum number of times to retry sending packets to the supplicant.
ReAuthPeriod − Shows the time interval between successive re–authentications.
ReAuthenticate: Enabled / Disabled − Shows whether or not to re–authenticate.
Max _users: Specifies per port maximum number of users. The range is 1 to 128. The default
value is 16.
Forward EAPOL PDU On Port: Needs to be configured if the port will forward EAPOL PDU
when 802.1X functionality is disabled.
Restrictions None.
Example usage:
To display the 802.1X authentication configuration: