
DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual
Example usage:
To disable IMPB debugging on the Switch:
DGS–3426:5#no debug address_binding
Command: no debug address_binding
enable address_binding dhcp_snoop
Purpose To enable the DHCP snooping option for IMPB.
enable address_binding dhcp_snoop
Description If DHCP snooping is enabled, the Switch learns IP-MAC pairs by snooping DHCP
packets automatically and then saves them to the IP-MAC-Port Binding white list. This
enables a hassle-free configuration because the administrator does not need to manually
enter each IMPB entry. A prerequisite for this is that the valid DHCP server’s IP-MAC pair
must be configured on the Switch’s IMPB while list first; otherwise the DHCP server
packets will be dropped. DHCP snooping is generally considered to be more secure
because it enforces all clients to acquire IP through the DHCP server. Additionally, it
makes IP Information auditable because clients cannot manually configure their own IP
Each DHCP-snooped entry is associated with a lease time. When the lease time expires,
the expired entry will be removed from this port. The auto-learned binding entry can be
moved from one port to another port if the DHCP snooping function has learned that the
MAC address is moved to a different port.
In order to avoid conflict where both static entry and DHCP Snooping entry are the same,
DHCP Snooping entries will not be created if the IP-MAC entry has already been
statically configured.
Parameters None.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To enable the address binding auto mode:
DGS–3426:5#enable address_binding dhcp_snoop
Command: enable address_binding dhcp_snoop