DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual
The Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the
appropriate parameters) in the following table.
Command Parameters
enable lldp
disable lldp
config lldp message_tx_interval <sec 5-32768>
config lldp message_tx_hold_multiplier <2–10>
config lldp tx_delay <sec 1-8192>
config lldp reinit_delay <sec 1-10>
config lldp notification_interval <sec 5-3600>
config lldp ports [<portlist> | all] notification [enable | disable]
config lldp ports [<portlist> | all] admin_status [tx_only | rx_only | tx_and_rx | disable]
config lldp ports [<portlist> | all] mgt_addr [ipv4 <ipaddr> | ipv6 <ipv6addr>] [enable | disable]
config lldp ports [<portlist> | all] basic_tlvs [all | {port_description | system_name |
system_description | system_capabilities} (1) ] [enable | disable]
config lldp ports [<portlist> | all] dot1_tlv_pvid [enable | disable]
config lldp ports [<portlist> | all] dot1_tlv_protocol_vid [vlan [all | <vlan_name 32> ] | vlanid
<vlanid_list> ] [enable | disable]
config lldp ports [<portlist> | all] dot1_tlv_vlan_name [vlan [all | <vlan_name 32> ] | vlanid
<vlanid_list> ] [enable | disable]
config lldp ports [<portlist>|all] dot1_tlv_ protocol_identity[all | { eapol | lacp | gvrp | stp }(1)] [enable
| disable]
config lldp ports dot3_tlvs [all | {mac_phy_configuration_status | link_aggregation | power_via_mdi
| maximum_frame_size}] [enable | disable]
config lldp forward_message [enable | disable]
show lldp
show lldp mgt_addr {[ipv4 <ipaddr> | ipv6 <ipv6addr>]}
show lldp ports {<portlist>}
show lldp local_ports { <portlist>} {mode [brief | normal | detailed]}
show lldp remote_ports {<portlist>} {mode [brief | normal | detailed]}
show lldp statistics
show lldp statistics ports {<portlist>}
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.