Palm PMG0501000P Cell Phone User Manual

a contact). You can’t access contact entries
without email addresses from your
1 Create an event and then select it.
2 Press Menu (right softkey) and select
3 Select Attendees.
4 Select Add Required Attendee, and
then select the name of the contact you
want to invite. To invite other attendees,
select Add Required Attendee, and
then select the names.
5 (Optional) To invite optional attendees,
select Add Optional Attendee, and
then select the names.
6 Press OK .
The next time you synchronize, the
meeting request is sent to the attendees.
When attendees accept your request, the
meeting is automatically added to their
schedules. When you receive their
response, your calendar is updated as well.
Replying to a meeting request
You receive and reply to meeting requests
in the Messaging application (see Working
with meeting invitations). If you accept or
tentatively accept an invitation, it shows up
as an appointment in your Calendar.
Marking an event as sensitive
If other people have access to your
Outlook calendar on your computer and
you don’t want them to see an
appointment, you can mark that
appointment as private to hide it from other
Outlook users.
1 Create an event and then select it.
2 Press Menu (right softkey) and select
If you are using Exchange
Server 2007, or Exchange Server 2003 with
Service Pack 2, you can use your corporate
Global Address List to find contact information
for an attendee. Select Attendees, select Add
Required Attendee or Add Optional
Attendee, press Menu (right softkey), and
then select Company Directory. Enter the
name of the attendee and select Find.