Polycom, Inc. 157
Using Scheduled Provisioning
Scheduled provisioning is enabled at the Polycom
Manager system. To schedule an endpoint for provisioning, the RealPresence
Resource Manager system must already have a scheduled provisioning profile
created for the endpoint.
This chapter describes RealPresence Resource Manager system endpoint
provisioning operations. It includes these topics:
• “How Scheduled Provisioning Works” on page 157
• “Scheduled Provisioning Profiles” on page 158
• “Scheduled Provisioning Notes” on page 158
• “Using Scheduled Provisioning” on page 159
• “Endpoint Fields for Scheduled Provisioning” on page 165
How Scheduled Provisioning Works
Users with the Device Administrator or Area Administrator role can schedule
provisioning for one endpoint or a group of endpoints; and they can schedule
provisioning to occur immediately or for a date and time in the future. The
provisioning data is sent in XML format over a secure HTTPS connection.
Scheduled provisioning is available for these endpoint types:
• VSX Series endpoints
• Selected TANDBERG endpoints—TANDBERG 150, 990, 880, and 770
• HDX Series--Polycom HDX systems that are not dynamically managed
(are not configured to use a provisioning server)