Manage Groups Managing Users
Polycom, Inc. 357
5 Click the right arrow to add the enterprise groups to the Groups to
Import list.
6 Click OK.
The enterprise group appears in the Groups list. Now you can edit the
group and associate it with an user group provisioning profile, user roles,
and specify whether or not the group directory is viewable. You can also
search for enterprise users.
Edit a Group
To edit a local or enterprise group
1 Go to User > Groups.
2 In the Groups page, select the group of interest and click Edit.
3 As required, edit the General Info, Associated Roles, and Group
Members sections of the Edit Local Groups dialog box.
4 Click OK.
Delete a Group
To delete a local or enterprise group
1 Go to User > Groups.
2 In the Groups page, select the group of interest and click Delete Group.
3 Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
The group is deleted from the system.
• The Group Members section is only available for Local groups.
• If you remove a user from a group or a role from a group, the user no longer
has the roles associated with the group.
An enterprise group is only deleted from the system, not the enterprise
directory, so it can be re-imported.