Polycom, Inc. 43
Basic Conference Scheduling
This chapter describes the Polycom
Resource Manager system
conference scheduling operations. It includes these topics:
• “Schedule a Conference” on page 43
• “Edit a Conference” on page 51
• “Edit a Participant’s Settings” on page 52
• “Writing Conference Notes During a Conference” on page 53
• “View Scheduling Information for a Conference” on page 53
Schedule a Conference
By default, only Schedulers and Operators can schedule conferences.
Conferencing scheduling tasks include:
— Schedule Future Conferences
— Schedule Anytime Conferences
— Copy an Existing Conference
— Add Conference Participants and Guests When Scheduling
Schedule Future Conferences
Users with the following default user roles are allowed to schedule Future
conferences: scheduler, operator, area operator and area scheduler.
Since Area Schedulers can perform both basic and advanced tasks, any
references in this chapter to the Scheduler role also applies to the Area
Scheduler role.