
Polycom, Inc. 57
Advanced Conference Scheduling
This chapter describes the additional options that users with the Advanced
Scheduler role when scheduling conferences using the Polycom
Resource Manager system.
When scheduling conferences, advanced schedulers can:
“Edit Conference Settings” on page 57
“Select a Bridge for a Conference” on page 62
Edit Conference Settings
By default, users with the Advanced Scheduler role can overwrite certain
conference template settings as described here.
You can edit conference settings only for scheduled conferences. They cannot
edit conference settings for active conferences.
To edit conference settings
1 On the conference scheduling page, as you are adding or editing a
conference, click Edit Conference Settings.
Since Area Schedulers can perform both basic and advanced tasks, any
references in this chapter to the Advanced Scheduler role also apply to the
Area Scheduler role.
Two conferences scheduled with the same template may have different settings
and behavior if they are hosted on different types of MCUs. Minimize or
eliminate such differences by ensuring that all MCUs are similarly configured
and that all Resource Manager system templates are synchronized with RMX