Polycom, Inc. 457
Understanding Directories
This chapter describes the Polycom
Resource Manager system
enterprise directory integration and operations. It includes these topics:
• “Directory Management Overview” on page 457
• “Directory Management Supported Configurations” on page 458
• “RealPresence Resource Manager System and Windows Authentication”
on page 464
• “Managing Directories” on page 466
• “Endpoint Directory and Directory Settings” on page 471
Directory Management Overview
In a large organization, integrating your RealPresence Resource Manager
system with Microsoft Active Directory greatly simplifies the task of
managing conference system security. Directory management provides the
following features.
• Single sign-on capability. Users get the benefits of pass-through
authentication, allowing them to leverage their Active Directory user
name and password to login to the Polycom CMA Desktop system. This
happens without the user having to enter their credentials, creating
seamless integration for logins.
• Single management environment. After the initial setup of the
RealPresence Resource Manager system, adding groups into RealPresence
Resource Manager system is no more complex than adding a group to a
file share or database. Continue to manage your group memberships
through Active Directory, then grant those groups rights within the
RealPresence Resource Manager system.
• Allows you to continue leveraging the existing role-based security model
that you have in place, though the RealPresence Resource Manager system
only uses Universal groups.