
Conference Menu Overview Conference Scheduling Overview
Polycom, Inc. 31
Conference Menu and Views
The Conference menu provides these views of the Conference list:
•Future—Displays the list of future scheduled conferences in the main
window. Use this view to view and edit future conferences. After
selection, the Future-Only filter is enabled.
Ongoing—Displays the list of active scheduled and Anytime conferences
in the main window. Use this view to manage ongoing conferences. After
selection, the Ongoing-Plus filter is enabled.
•Anytime — Displays the list of anytime conferences in the main window.
Use this view to manage anytime conferences. Anytime conferences are ad
hoc conferences that require no start and stop times.
Users can only work with the conferences that appear in their Conference list.
By default, schedulers see only their conferences in the Conference list.
Operators see all the conferences on the system. However, when areas are
defined, operators see all the conferences for the areas to which they belong.
By default, users assigned other roles cannot view conferences.
The Future and Ongoing Conference views have these sections.
Section Description
Views The views you can access from the page.
The set of available commands. The constant commands
in the Conference views are:
•Refresh — Use this command to update the system
display with current information.
Add — Use this command to schedule a new video or
audio conference.
For the list of context-sensitive Conference commands,
see “Context-Sensitive Conference Actions” on page 36.
Conference List The context-sensitive Conference list for the selected
Displays information about the selected conference. For
more information, see “Conference Details” on page 75.
Displays the status of system features for the selected
conference. For more information, see “Conference
Features” on page 78.
Participants Displays the list of participants for the selected
conference. For more information, see “Participants” on
page 80.
Participant Details Displays information about the participant selected in the
Participants list. For more information, see “Participant
Details” on page 81.