Polycom, Inc. 387
Understanding System
This chapter describes the Polycom
Resource Manager system
Dashboard, menu, and actions. It includes these topics:
• “System Dashboard” on page 387
• “Dashboard Buttons” on page 388
• “Dashboard Panes” on page 388
• “System Administration Menu” on page 396
System Dashboard
When you log into the RealPresence Resource Manager system with
Administrator role and permissions, the system first displays the system
Dashboard. Use the system Dashboard to view information about system
health and activity levels.
The system Dashboard displays data in an array of charts, forms, data grids,
and other graphical displays. It is supremely customizable. You can modify
your system Dashboard layout by moving (select the pane title, hold, drag and
drop), minimizing, maximizing, closing, and restoring panes. Also note that
your changes to the system Dashboard are persistent not just for a session but
between logouts and logins.
Polycom recommends that you use a minimum monitor display of 1280 x 1024
pixels to view the system Dashboard.