Polycom, Inc. 427
Understanding Conference
Templates and Settings
This chapter describes information about conference templates and settings
within the Polycom
Resource Manager system. This chapter
includes the following sections:
• “Direct Conferences vs. Pooled Conferences” on page 427
• “Direct Conference Templates” on page 428, define most of the settings
that become the defaults for a direct conference.
• “Pooled (DMA) Conference Templates” on page 439
• “Conference Settings” on page 442, are global system-wide settings that
apply to all scheduled conferences.
Direct Conferences vs. Pooled Conferences
The RealPresence Resource Manager system allows you to use two types of
Future (scheduled) conferences: direct conferences and pooled conferences.
• Direct Conferences end on RMX devices managed by the RealPresence
Resource Manager system. Users with the administrator role can create
direct conference templates that can be used for direct conferences. The
direct conference template can be defined with the RealPresence Resource
Manager system or explicitly identify an existing RMX profile which
identifies the settings the RMX should use to control the conference.
• Pooled Conferences end on resources managed by the Polycom DMA
system (pool orders). Conference templates for pooled conferences are
created and maintained on the DMA system.