Polycom, Inc. 269
Using Access Control Lists
The Polycom
Resource Manager system allows you to create
Access Control Lists for dynamically-managed endpoints.
This chapter describes RealPresence Resource Manager system Access Control
List operations. It includes these topics:
• “Understanding Access Control Lists” on page 269
• “Using Access Control Lists in a Multi-Tenancy Environment” on
page 270
• “Working with Access Control Lists” on page 271
Understanding Access Control Lists
Users with the administrator, device administrator or area administrator role
can create Access Control Lists.
An Access Control List is a whitelist of users/groups whose endpoint(s) of a
particular type are allowed to authenticate with the RealPresence Resource
Manager system for provisioning and video network services. Access Control
Lists can only be used with endpoints that are dynamically-managed.
This is particularly useful when controlling Polycom’s soft endpoints such as
CMA Desktop and RealPresence Mobile which use the provisioning
credentials to authenticate with your video network.
You can use Access Control Lists to control access to the RealPresence
Resource Manager system for the following endpoint types:
• Polycom HDX systems
• Polycom Group systems
• Polycom CMA Desktop
• RealPresence Desktop
• RealPresence Mobile
• Polycom VVX systems