
Edit a Bundled Provisioning Profile Using Bundled Provisioning Profiles
Polycom, Inc. 257
Edit a Bundled Provisioning Profile
Users with the administrator role are allowed to edit bundled provisioning
profiles. When you edit a bundled provisioning profile you can rename the
profile or change which devices are associated with the profile.
To edit a bundled provisioning profile
1 Go to Admin > Provisioning Profiles > Bundled Provisioning Profiles.
2 As needed, use the Filter to customize the list of profiles.
3 Select the profile that you want to edit.
4 Click Edit to view the Edit Bundled Provisioning Profile dialog box.
5 Use the Edit Bundled Provisioning Profile dialog box to edit the profile
and click Ok.
Field Description
General Settings
Name Enter a name for the profile.
Description Enter a description for the profile.
Associate Devices