Available Settings for a Site Provisioning Profile Using Site Provisioning Profiles
Polycom, Inc. 235
Maximum Peer
Certificate Chain
Specify how many links a certificate chain can have. The term peer certificate refers
to any certificate sent by the far-end host to the HDX system when a network
connection is being established between the two systems.
Verify Certificates for
all Web Access
Specify whether the endpoint requires certificate validation to access the endpoint.
Enable Whitelist of IPs When a whitelist is enabled, allows access to an endpoint’s web interface only by
those systems with an IP address that matches a pattern using regular expression
Enter all IPs allowed
to Connect via the
Specify (by IP addresses using regular expression notation) which systems can
access an endpoint’s web interface. Addresses are matched by pattern, which means
that you could allows IP address that you did not mean to allow. For example, if you
entered an IP address of, all of the following results would match:
If you want to allow a range of IP addresses, use the * wildcard instead. For example,
enter 10.11.*.* to allow all IP addresses that begin with 10.11.
General Settings
Heartbeat Posting
Interval (minutes)
Specify the frequency at which the endpoint systems poll the RealPresence Resource
Manager system for a heartbeat.
In Call Stats Posting
Interval (minutes)
Specify the frequency at which the endpoint systems poll the RealPresence Resource
Manager system for in call statistics.
Calendaring Settings
Discover Exchange
Specify that the RealPresence Resource Manager system should discover the
Microsoft Exchange server for the site by searching DNS records.
Specify Exchange
Specify that the RealPresence Resource Manager system should use the Microsoft
Exchange server specified in the Exchange Server Address field.
Exchange Server
Specify the IP address or DNS name of the Microsoft Exchange server for the site.
Enterprise Directory Settings
Group Display Name Specify whether the RealPresence Resource Manager system should identify groups
by their common name (cn) or their DisplayName. These names are extracted from
the Active Directory.
Table 16-1 Available Settings for a Site Provisioning Profile
Field For the endpoint systems at the site being provisioned...