Working with Access Control Lists Using Access Control Lists
Polycom, Inc. 271
Working with Access Control Lists
This section describes how to work with Access Control Lists and includes the
following topics:
• “Add a New Access Control List” on page 271
• “Edit an Access Control List” on page 272
Add a New Access Control List
You can create an Access Control List that includes all endpoints of a
particular device type(s) within a user group. For example, you can create an
Access Control List that enables all RealPresence Group systems that belong to
a user group to be dynamically provisioned.
To add a new Access Control List
1 Go to Endpoint > Access Control Lists.
The Access Control Lists page appears.
2 Click Add.
3 In the Add Access Control List dialog box, complete the following fields
in the General Info tab.
4 Click Associate Device Types.
5 In the Associated Device Types section, select and move the desired
Available Device Types endpoint types(s) to Selected Device Types list.
6 Click Associated Groups.
7 Use the Search Group field to find the group(s) you want to associate
with this Access Control List.
8 In the Search Results section, select and move the desired group(s) to
Selected Groups list.
Access Control List Name Enter a unique name for the Access Control List.
Description Enter a description for the Access Control List.
Assign Area If areas are enabled, and you have permission to
manage more than one area, use the Assign
Area drop-down list to assign the Access
Control List to an area.
The drop-down list does not appear if areas are
not enabled or the user does not have
permission to assign an area.