Working with SNMP Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager System SNMP
Polycom, Inc. 575
Polycom recommends using a MIB browser to explore the RealPresence
Resource Manager system MIB. However, a printed copy of the MIB is
available in “MIB Reference” on page 599. The RealPresence Resource
Manager system MIB is self-documenting including information about the
purpose of specific traps and inform notifications.
Change the SNMP Communication Port
By default, the RealPresence Resource Manager system uses port 161 as its
standard open port for SNMP communications. However, you can change this
to another open port.
To change the SNMP communication port
1 Go to Admin > SNMP Settings.
2 In the Port field of the SNMP Settings page, type a new communication
port number and click Update SNMP Settings.
RFC1213-MIB RFC1213MIB definitions included for reference.
The RealPresence Resource Manager system
supports all but "egp".
SNMPv2-CONF A definition file for standard conventions
included for reference.
SNMPv2-SMI A definition file for standard conventions
included for reference.
SNMPv2-TC A definition file for standard conventions
included for reference.
iDRAC-MIB Information about iDrac, including data, alerts,
and traps.
dcstorage Monitoring and information about the hard
disks and RAID configuration on the server.
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