Section 3B: Using the Email Features 151
5. Select any of the following options:
Ⅲ Download the past: Sets the number of days’ worth of
email to be retrieved for each automatic or manual
Ⅲ Message format: Sets the format for sending and
receiving messages. If you select HTML, messages
sent to you as HTML are received with their formatting
intact. If you select Plain Text, all messages are
received as plain text.
Ⅲ Download size limit: Sets the size of an incoming
message that is automatically downloaded. For any message that exceeds this size,
you must manually download the rest of the message. Selecting a higher limit
means that more of your messages are fully downloaded, but message retrieval
might take longer. You can also choose to download message headers only,
regardless of size.
Ⅲ Include file attachments: Sets whether to download attached files with a message.
Ⅲ Only if smaller than: Sets the maximum size of attachments that can be
downloaded. If an attachment exceeds the maximum size, you must download it
y (see “Receiving Attachments” on page 140).
6. (Optional) Select Advanced, and then select any of the
following options:
Ⅲ Encrypt all outgoing e-mail messages: Sets whether
outgoing messages should be encrypted for extra
security. Encryption helps prevent eavesdropping,
which occurs when a hacker intercepts and reads your
email messages.
Ⅲ Sign all outgoing e-mail messages: Sets whether
messages should be given a digital signature as an
extra security measure. A signature helps prevent
impersonation and tampering.