Index 462
silent alarm 344, 345
simple PIN passwords 357, 358
skins 253
deleting 163, 165
displaying PowerPoint 290–291
inserting in messages 163, 165
organizing 164
playing 167, 238, 239
accessing support for 14, 403
activating 32, 114
connecting to PCs 40
device compatibility with 94, 219
displaying owner information on 358
enabling as modem 115
getting user names for 115
locating phone number for 36
locking 354
moving information to 42
turning on or off 32, 364
unlocking 357
SMS messages 407
See also text messages
SMTP servers 398
soft resets 375–376
softkeys 21, 22, 58
software 20, 319, 406
See also applications; synchronization
songs. See music
files 317
messages 171
notes 276, 307
pictures or videos 241
spreadsheets 300
tasks 272
sound clips 161
See also specific system sound
deleting 346
playing from Web pages 192
previewing 345
recording 98, 163, 345
sending 98, 163
setting alarm 361
silencing 84
turning on and off 343–346
Sounds & Notifications screen 96, 344
speaker 23
speakerphone 88, 404
special characters 63, 64, 294
specifications 94, 434
speed dialing 78, 92–93
spell checking 138, 160, 288
rts mode 230, 233
spreadsheet files 293, 304
spreadsheet toolbar 295
adding borders to 299
adding charts to 293, 301–302
adding range of values to 298
adding worksheets to 299
creating 294
deleting items in 303–304