
User Guide
2 Click a point with the Subselection tool to select it.
Selected corner points appear as solid blue squares.
3 Drag the point or use the arrow keys to move the point to a new location.
Adjusting the shape of a curved path segment
You can change the shape of a vector object by dragging its point handles with the Subselection tool. The point
handles determine the degree of curvature between fixed points. These curves are known as Bezier curves.
To edit the Bezier curve of a path segment:
1 Select the path with the Pointer or Subselection tool.
2 Click a curve point with the Subselection tool to select it.
A selected curve point appears as a solid blue square. The point handles extend from the point.
3 Drag the handles to a new location. To constrain handle movement to 45° angles, press Shift while dragging.
The blue path preview shows where the new path will be drawn if you release the mouse button.
A. Point handle B. Selected point C. Subselection pointer D. Path preview E. Path
For example, if you drag the left point handle downward, the right point handle goes up. Alt-drag a handle to move
it independently