User Guide
To edit a placed animation’s settings, see “Optimizing Fireworks images and animations placed in Dreamweaver” on
page 300 and “Using Export Preview” in Fireworks Help.
Setting launch-and-edit options
To use Roundtrip HTML effectively, you should perform some preliminary tasks, such as setting Fireworks as your
primary image editor in Dreamweaver and specifying launch-and-edit preferences in Fireworks.
Note: You should also define a local site in Dreamweaver prior to working with Roundtrip HTML. For more infor-
mation, see Using Dreamweaver.
Designating Fireworks as the primary external image editor for Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver provides preferences for automatically starting specific applications to edit specific file types. To use
the Fireworks launch-and-edit features, make sure that Fireworks is set as the primary editor for GIF, JPEG, and PNG
files in Dreamweaver.
Although you can use earlier versions of Fireworks as external image editors, these versions offer limited launch-
and-edit capabilities. When you work with Roundtrip HTML, Fireworks MX and Fireworks 4 do not fully support
edits made to cell properties in Dreamweaver tables, nor does it support behaviors applied in Dreamweaver.
Fireworks 3 does not fully support opening and editing placed tables and slices within tables, while Fireworks 2 does
not support opening and editing source PNG files for placed images.
Note: Since Fireworks is the default external image editor in Dreamweaver, setting this preference is only necessary if
you’re having trouble starting Fireworks CS3 from within Dreamweaver.
To set Fireworks as the primary external image editor for Dreamweaver:
1 In Dreamweaver, choose Edit > Preferences and then choose File Types/Editors.
2 In the Extensions list, select a web image file extension (.gif, .jpg, or .png).