User Guide
2 Select Modify > Flatten Selection.
Adding objects to a masked selection
You can add more objects to an existing masked selection.
To add masked objects to a masked selection:
1 Select Edit > Cut to cut the selected object or objects you want to add.
2 Select the thumbnail of the masked object in the Layers panel.
3 Select Edit > Paste Inside.
The object or objects are added to the masked objects.
Note: Using the Paste Inside command on an existing mask won’t show the mask object’s stroke and fill unless the original
mask was applied using its stroke and fill.
Replacing, disabling, and deleting masks
You can replace a mask with a new mask object. You can also disable or delete a mask. Disabling a mask temporarily
hides it. Deleting a mask permanently removes it.
To replace a mask:
Select Edit > Cut to cut the selected object or objects you want to use as the mask.
2 Select the thumbnail of the masked object in the Layers panel and select Edit > Paste as Mask.
3 Click Replace when asked whether to replace the existing mask or add to it.
The existing mask object is replaced with the new one.
To disable or enable a selected mask, do one of the following:
• Select Disable Mask or Enable Mask from the Layers panel Options menu.
• Select Modify > Mask > Disable Mask or Modify > Mask > Enable Mask.
A red X appears on the mask thumbnail when it is disabled. Clicking the X enables the mask.
To delete a selected mask:
Do one of the following to delete the mask:
• Select Delete Mask from the Layers panel Options menu.
• Select Modify > Mask > Delete Mask.
• Drag the mask thumbnail to the trash can icon in the Layers panel.
2 Choose whether you want to apply or discard the effect of the mask on the masked objects before deleting the
Apply keeps the changes you have made to the object, but the mask is no longer editable. If the object being masked
is a vector object, the mask and vector object are converted into a single bitmap image.
Discard gets rid of the changes you have made and restores the object to its original form.
Cancel stops the delete operation and leaves the mask intact.