User Guide
Note: Flash is an exception. When launching and editing graphics in Flash, Fireworks always uses the preferences you
set in the Launch and Edit section of the Preferences dialog box.
When editing from external application determines whether the original Fireworks PNG file opens when you use
Fireworks to edit images from within other applications.
When optimizing from external application determines whether the original Fireworks PNG file opens when you
optimize a graphic.
Note: This setting does not apply to Director, which always automatically opens and optimizes a graphic without asking
for a source PNG, even if you set this preference differently in Fireworks.
For more information on working with Fireworks graphics within Flash, see “Working with Flash” on page 305.
For more information on working with Fireworks graphics in Director, see “Working with Director” on page 317.
Note: Adobe Dreamweaver handles launch-and-edit settings differently. Dreamweaver always opens the source PNG,
even if you set launch-and-edit preferences differently in Fireworks. If no Design Note exists or if the path to the source
PNG is broken, Dreamweaver always prompts you to locate the source PNG file. For more information on working with
Fireworks graphics and interactive elements within Dreamweaver, see “Working with Dreamweaver” on page 292.
Folders preferences
The folders preferences give you access to additional Adobe Photoshop plug-ins, texture files, and pattern files from
external sources.
Additional Materials (Photoshop Plug-Ins, Textures, and Patterns) targets folders containing plug-ins, textures, and
patterns. The folders can be in another folder on your hard disk, on a CD-ROM or other external drive, or on a
network volume.
Photoshop plug-ins appear in the Fireworks Filters menu and the Property inspector’s Add Effects menu. Textures
or patterns stored as PNG, JPEG, and GIF files appear as options in the Pattern and Texture pop-up menus in the
Property inspector.
For more information about textures and patterns, see “Adding texture to a fill” on page 146.
Photoshop Import preferences
The preferences in the Import tab let you manage Photoshop file conversions:
• You can convert layers as objects or new frames.
• You can choose between editing imported text or maintaining its appearance.
• You can import a Photoshop file as a flattened bitmap object.
For more information on the Import preferences, see “Working with Photoshop” on page 322.
Restoring preferences
You can restore preferences to their original settings by deleting the preferences file. The first time Fireworks is
launched after the preferences file has been deleted, a new preferences file is created, restoring Fireworks to its
original configuration.
To restore default preferences:
1 Quit Fireworks.