Chapter 3: Selecting and Transforming
As you work in Fireworks CS3, you manipulate vector and bitmap objects, text blocks, slices and hotspots, and areas
of pixels. Using the selection and transformation tools, you can move, copy, delete, rotate, scale, or skew objects. In
documents that have multiple objects, you can organize the objects by stacking, grouping, and aligning them.
This chapter contains the following topics:
• “Selecting objects” on page 41
• “Selecting pixels” on page 44
• “Editing selected objects” on page 53
• “Transforming and distorting selected objects and selections” on page 54
• “Organizing objects” on page 58
Selecting objects
Before you can do anything with any object on the canvas, you must select it. This applies to a vector object, path, or
points; a text block, word, or letter; a slice or hotspot; an instance; or a bitmap object.
You can use any of the following to select objects:
The Layers panel displays each object. You can click an object in the Layers panel to it select when the panel is open
and layers are expanded. For more information, see “Pages, Layers, Masking, and Blending” on page 155.
For information about selecting specific areas of pixels in a bitmap image, see “Selecting pixels” on page 44.
Using the Pointer tool
The Pointer tool selects objects when you click them or when you drag a selection area around all or part of the
To select an object by clicking, do one of the following:
• Move the Pointer tool over the object’s path or bounding box and click.
• Click the object’s stroke or fill.
The Pointer tool selects objects when you click the objects or drag a selection area around them.
The Subselection tool selects an individual object in a group or the points of a vector object.
The Select Behind tool selects an object that is behind another object.
The Export Area tool selects an area to be exported as a separate file.