User Guide
• Select a URL from the URL panel.
Note: Changing the URL for a button symbol won’t change the URL for existing button instances of that symbol that
already have unique URLs assigned to them. This also applies to changes made to a button symbol’s target and alt text.
To set the URL for a selected button instance in the workspace, do one of the following:
• Enter the URL in the Link text box in the Property inspector, or select a page from the drop down list. This list
contains all of the pages in the current document.
• Select a URL from the URL panel.
Setting the target for a button
The target is the window or frame in which the destination web page appears when a button instance is clicked. If
you don’t enter a target in the Property inspector, the web page appears in the same frame or window as the link that
called it. The target can be a symbol- or instance-level button property. You can set the target for a symbol, so that
all instances of the symbol have the same target option.
To set the target for a button symbol in the Button Editor:
1 Do one of the following to open the button in the Button Editor:
• Double-click a button instance in the workspace.
• In the Library panel, double-click the button preview or the symbol icon beside the button symbol.
2 Do one of the following in the Property inspector:
• Select a preset target from the Target pop-up menu:
None or _self loads the web page into the same frame or window as the link.
_blank loads the web page into a new, unnamed browser window.
_parent loads the web page into the parent frameset or window of the frame that contains the link.
_top loads the web page into the full browser window, removing all frames.
• Enter a target in the Target text box.
Note: Changing the target for a button symbol won’t change the target for existing button instances of that symbol that
already have unique targets assigned to them. This also applies to changes made to a button symbol’s URL and alt text.
To set the target for a button instance in the workspace:
Select the button instance in the workspace.
2 Do one of the following in the Property inspector:
• Select a preset target from the Target pop-up menu:
None or _self loads the web page into the same frame or window as the link.
_blank loads the web page into a new, unnamed browser window.
_parent loads the web page into the parent frameset or window of the frame that contains the link.
_top loads the web page into the full browser window, removing all frames.
• Enter a target in the Target text box.