User Guide
Work with Photoshop files
With Fireworks CS3, you can directly import native files from Photoshop. Achieving a whole new level of function-
ality, Adobe is redefining the concept of what integration should be. Fireworks design comps and images can now
be saved as native Photoshop files and opened in either Photoshop or Fireworks CS3 with layer information
For more information, see “Working with Photoshop” on page 322.
Import Fireworks files into Adobe Flash
Now you can move content from Fireworks CS3 to Flash CS3 Professional quickly by copying and pasting or by
directly importing a Fireworks PNG file. Important structure is maintained, including multiple pages, shared layers,
hierarchical layers, frames, 9-slice scaling settings, and many effects. Prototyping in Fireworks and developing in
Flash has never been easier.
For more information, see “Working with Flash” on page 305.
Flex integration for RIA layouts
As designers continue to push the technology envelope, better tools and integration become more important than
ever. Fireworks CS3 can help in the development of next-generation rich internet applications—referred to as
RIAs—by making it possible to export common library assets as known components for use in Adobe Flex™
Builder.™ Styling and absolute positioning are also maintained.
The best part is there’s no work necessary on your part, because Fireworks exports the necessary Flex code (MXML)
for you. Now you can easily create a Flex application layout in Fireworks, leveraging Flex common library assets as
MXML for loading into Flex Builder.
Work with Illustrator files
Open Illustrator files in Fireworks while preserving hierarchical layers, patterns, linked images, text attributes,
transparency, and more. Fireworks also contains export options for exporting to Adobe Illustrator 8.0.
For more information, see “About working with Illustrator” on page 326.
For more information on the new features, see the Fireworks page on the Adobe website at
Improved Photoshop compatibility
Photoshop layer effects Photoshop provides a variety of effects such as shadows, glows, bevels, over-
lays, and strokes that let the user change the appearance of a layer’s contents.
Fireworks CS3 now preserves these editable Photoshop layer effects when
importing or opening a PSD file. You can also now apply Photoshop layer
effects directly to any object within Fireworks by selecting Photoshop Live
Effects from the Live Filters tool in the Property inspector.
Photoshop blend modes Fireworks CS3 includes seven commonly used Photoshop blending modes
(dissolve, linear burn, linear dodge, vivid light, linear light, pin light, and hard
Retain hierarchical layers when
opening PSD files
Fireworks CS3 now supports a hierarchical layer structure, allowing you to
preserve layer and sublayer information when importing files from Photoshop.