User Guide
• Select a formula for auto-naming slices in the Slice Auto-Naming pop-up menus. You can use the default settings,
or choose your own options.
Note: Use caution when selecting None as a menu option for slice auto-naming. If you select None as the option for any
of the first three menus, Fireworks exports slice files that overwrite one another, resulting in a single exported graphic
and a table that displays this graphic in every cell.
• Enter text in the Alternate Image Description text box. This alt text appears in place of all images while they are
downloading from the web and in place of any images that fail to download. In some browsers it may also appear
as a tool tip when the pointer passes over the image. This is also an aid for vision-impaired web users.
• Select Multiple Nav Bar HTML Pages when exporting a navigation bar that links several pages together. When this
option is chosen, Fireworks exports additional pages for each button in the navigation bar.
• UTF-8 Encoding is turned on by default in Fireworks, which allows your exported document to display characters
from multiple character sets. If you want to turn off this option, clear the UTF-8 Encoding box. For more infor-
mation about UTF-8 encoding, see “Exporting files with and without UTF-8 encoding” on page 286.
5 Click Set Defaults to save these settings as your global default settings.
6 Click OK.
Using the Quick Export button
The Quick Export button, located in the upper right corner of the Document window, offers easy access to
common options for exporting Fireworks files to other applications. Using the Quick Export button, you can export
to a variety of formats, including Dreamweaver and GoLive.
All the export options available through the Quick Export button are also available elsewhere in Fireworks, such as
the Export dialog box and the Edit menu. The Quick Export button provides a shortcut to the most common export
options. For more information on exporting to each format, see “Using Fireworks with Other Applications” on
page 291.
For most formats, several export methods are available. You can export Dreamweaver HTML, for example, or update
existing Dreamweaver HTML. Or you can copy Dreamweaver HTML to the Clipboard. You can export a Flash SWF
file or copy selected objects as vectors.
You can even use the Quick Export button to start other applications, as well as preview Fireworks documents in a
preferred browser. By streamlining the export process, the Quick Export button saves time and improves the design
Note: The Quick Export button exports graphics and slices using the settings you specify in the Optimize panel. Be sure
to optimize your graphic before exporting with the Quick Export button. For more information on optimization, see
“About optimizing” on page 257.
To export a Fireworks document or selected graphics using the Quick Export button:
Click the Quick Export button and select an export option from the pop-up menu displayed.
The appropriate options are automatically set for you in the Export dialog box. Make changes to the options if
2 Select a location to store the exported files, type a filename, and click Export.
To start another application using the Quick Export button:
❖ Click the Quick Export button and select the Launch option from the application submenu.