User Guide
User communities
Features forums, blogs, and other avenues for users to share technologies, tools, and information; ask questions; and
find out how others are getting the most out of their software. User-to-user forums are available in English, French,
German, and Japanese; blogs are posted in a wide range of languages.
To participate in forums or blogs, visit www.adobe.com/communities.
What’s new in Fireworks CS3
Create rich symbols
This version of Fireworks introduces new and enhanced symbol features. Create graphic symbols that can be intel-
ligently scaled and given specific attributes using a JavaScript (JSF) file. Quickly mock up a user interface by dragging
these symbols on to the document and editing the parameters associated with them using the new Symbol Properties
For more information, see “Creating and using rich graphic symbols” on page 190.
Intelligent scaling for symbols
Traditionally, when you apply scale transformations to symbols, the entire object is transformed as a single unit.
With certain kinds of objects, especially geometric shapes with styled corners, the result is a symbol that appears
somewhat distorted.
Fireworks CS3 introduces a dynamic new feature called 9-slice scaling, which allows you to intelligently scale vector
or bitmap symbols. By positioning a set of guides over your artwork, you can define exactly how each part of a
symbol is scaled. Any of nine different regions can be specified to scale only horizontally, scale only vertically, scale
both horizontally and vertically, or to not scale at all. The feature, which is on by default, can also be set to scale just
three regions. When combined with the new Auto Shape library, 9-slice scaling makes it faster than ever before to
prototype websites and applications.
For more information, see “Using 9-slice scaling” on page 188.
Rich symbols
Symbol Properties panel This new panel is a central location where you can control the properties for
intelligent graphic symbols.
Enhanced graphic symbol An enhancement to the graphic symbol allows the creation of customizable
symbol properties using JavaScript.
Symbol library A pre-designed library of graphic symbols that utilize the new functionality has
been included in this software release. These can be customized to accommo-
date the look and feel of a particular website or user interface.
Swap symbols A new “swap symbol” feature allows you to easily swap symbols as you are
designing your document.
Scaling without distortion
New 9-slice scaling tool Enable the 9-slice scaling feature to scale vector and bitmap symbols up or
down without distorting their geometry. The symbol can be scaled using 3 or
9 regions, based on the shape of the symbol.