importing PSD files into Adobe
Fireworks 323
Pick Distance preference 347
PICT file format 265
pie chart 87
Pie tool 87
pixels 14
adjusting tonal range using
eyedropper 75
cloning 66
contracting selection border 49
copying 44
cutting 44
expanding selection border 49
feathering 65
moving 44
painting 63
selecting 44
selecting area around a marquee 50
selecting freeform area 45
selecting polygonal area 45
selecting similar colors 46
smoothing a marquee border 50
tonal range 72
animations 246
macros 343
saved commands 343
plotting points 94
plug-ins 5, 324
in Adobe Store 7
PNG file format
choosing 265
choosing a color palette 266
transparency 311
point handles 96
displaying 98
Pointer tool 41, 44
adding 99
bending adjacent segments 99
changing adjacent segments 99
converting 97
converting straight to curved 97
deleting 99
moving 98
selecting 98
polygons 85, 87
pop-up menus 229
advanced properties 234
description 229
designing appearance 232
editing 236
entering menu text 230, 231
exporting 237
setting position 235
Precise Cursors preference 347
preferences 346
color defaults 346
default 348
editing options 347
Faster but less accurate sampling
options 347
folder options 348
Import 323
import options 348
interpolation options 346
Launch and Edit 304
launch and edit options 347
Launch options 347
location of file 351
restoring defaults 348
setting 346
Undo Steps 346
Preview button 263
Preview Drag preference 347
documents in a browser 288
optimization settings 263, 264
pixels containing specific color 269
strokes 138
with Export Preview 258
previewing documents on different
platforms 34
progressive JPEGs 274
properties, viewing in Property
inspector 26
Property inspector 26, 43
collapsing 27
docking 26
expanding 26
masking with 176
reducing 26
selection information 42
undocking 26
working with text in 109
PSD files 17
opening from Adobe Fireworks 17
Punch command 105
Quick Export button 31, 288
Quick Export pop-up menu 289
Radial Blur filter 80
raster images 61
read me file 2
rectangles 84
rounded corners 89
Red-eye Removal tool 66, 69
redoing using History panel 343
Redraw Path tool 102
redrawing paths 102
reducing points 105
registration of software 1
reinstalling Adobe Fireworks 352
relative URLs, entering 196
effects 152
master page layers 157
parts of a path 105
renaming symbols 188
repeating actions 40
Replace color tool 66, 69, 70
replacing elements 330
replaying animations 246
resampling 19
bitmap objects 36
described 36
downsampling 36
resampling up 36
speed 347
vector objects 36
reshaping vector objects 102
Reveal All command 170
Reveal Selection command 170
RGB color model 130
rich graphic symbols 190
creating 190
viewing 190
rollovers 13
active area 226
converting to buttons 223
creating 220
defined 206
navigation bars 228
odd-shaped 202
simple 209