defined 245
multiframe editing 246
turning off 246
viewing all frames 246
viewing current and adjacent
frames 246
viewing next frame 246
opacity, adjusting 181, 271
See also transparency
animated GIFs 17, 248
documents 16
graphics created in other
applications 16
multiple document views 33
multiple files as animations 249
PSD files 17
recent files 16
WBMP files 17
optimization settings
changing in a batch process 337
comparing two or four settings 264
deleting preset settings 276
JPEG 272
preset 213, 262
reusing 263, 275
saving 263, 275
sharing with another user 276
Optimize Image in Adobe Fireworks
command 300
Optimize panel 27
Optimize to Size wizard 260
optimizing 258
Adobe Fireworks images from
Dreamweaver 300
animations 248
basics 257
using Export Wizard 258
optimizing graphics 13
Options menu in panels 30
outlines 136
See also strokes
Over button state 221
Over While Down button state 221
overlapping slices 205
package contents, viewing 352
adding and removing 156
creating links between 197
duplicating 156
editing 156
exporting as image files 158
exporting to HTML 157
master 157
moving between 156
Pages panel27
panels 27
Align 28
Auto Shapes Properties 28
Behaviors 28, 209
Create Symbol Script 28
docking 28
docking in panel group 29
Find 28
Find and Replace 331, 332
Frames 27, 242
hiding 29
History 27, 40
Image Editing 28
Info 28
Layer 159
Layers 27
Library 186
moving 28
opening custom layouts 30
Optimize 27
Options menu in 30
organizing 28
Pages 27
restoring default positions 29
saving custom layouts 30
Shapes 27
Special Characters 28
Styles 27, 183
Swatches 28, 127
Symbol Properties 28
Tools 25
undocking 28
undocking from panel group 28
URL 27, 196
using SWF movies as 345
panning 33
paragraph spacing 117
Paste Inside command 168
pasted images19
pasting HTML 284
Path panel 107
paths 103
adding stroke texture 145
bending adjacent segments 99
changing adjacent segments 99
changing shape 99
converting straight to curved 97
copying and pasting 315
creating custom strokes 138
cropping 105
editing strokes 136
pulling 101
pushing 101
resetting default colors 127
selecting a point 98
splitting 104
swapping stroke and fill colors 127
pattern fills
adjusting 144
applying 141
moving 144
rotating 144
transforming 144
Pen tool 94
adding points with 99
curved segments 95
deleting points with 99
resuming path 99
straight segments 94
Pencil tool 63
perspective illusion 57
applying layer effects 151
applying plug-ins 151
customizing files for export 325
exporting to 325
grouped layers 164
import preferences 348
importing files into Adobe
Fireworks 322
installing plug-ins 151
layer masks 171
patterns 348
plug-ins 324, 348
textures 348
Photoshop Acquire installation plug-
ins 20
Photoshop and Adobe Fireworks
exporting PSD files from Adobe
Fireworks 325