User Guide
• Standard HTML tags define content structure, for screen reading or text-to-speech tools.
• Style sheets control formatting, so there are no embedded fonts.
Windows keyboard shortcuts for toolbar controls
Each control in the toolbar for in-product Help has a keyboard equivalent:
Back button Alt+left arrow
Forward button Alt+right arrow
Print Ctrl+P
About button Ctrl+I
Browse menu Alt+down arrow or Alt+up arrow to view Help for another program
Search box (Windows) Ctrl+S to place cursor in Search box
Windows keyboard shortcuts for navigation
To navigate in Adobe Help Viewer and view topics, use the following keyboard combinations:
• To move between the navigation pane and the reading pane, press Ctrl+Tab and Shift+Ctrl+Tab.
• To move through links within a pane, press Tab or Shift+Tab.
• To activate a selected link, press Enter.
• To make text bigger, press Ctrl+equal.
• To make text smaller, press Ctrl+hyphen.
How to choose the right Help documents
A variety of resources are available for learning Fireworks, including Fireworks Help, PDF versions of the Fireworks
documentation components, and several web-based information sources.
• Fireworks Help (called Using Fireworks), intended for all users, gives comprehensive information about all
Fireworks features. You can access it at any time in Fireworks help (Help > Using Fireworks). The manual is also
available in PDF format on the Adobe website at www.adobe.com/go/fireworks_documentation.
• Extending Fireworks, which describes the Fireworks framework and the application programming interface (API),
is intended for advanced users who want to build extensions or customize the Fireworks interface. You can control
every Fireworks command or setting using special JavaScript commands that Fireworks can interpret. The manual
is available both in help and on the Adobe website as a downloadable PDF.
Adobe Video Workshop
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Video Workshop enables you to learn about your product. There are over 200 training videos
for Adobe Creative Suite 3, covering a wide range of subjects for print, web, and video professionals.
You can use the Video Workshop to learn about any Creative Suite 3 product you’re interested in. Many videos show
you how to use products together.