User Guide
If you retain the original filename for the updated slice and upload the slice to the same place on your website where
the original came from, the new slice replaces the original slice in the HTML document.
Note: Avoid resizing the slice beyond its original export size in Fireworks, or you could create unexpected results in the
HTML document after the slice is updated.
Exporting an animation
After you create and optimize an animation, it is ready to export. You can export an animation as an Animated GIF,
as a Flash SWF file, or as multiple files.
If your document contains more than one animation, you can insert slices on top of each animation to export each
using different animation settings, such as looping and frame delay.
For information about exporting to multiple files, see “Exporting frames or layers” on page 279. For information
about exporting animations as Flash SWF files, see “Working with Flash” on page 305.
To export an animation as an animated GIF:
1 Select Edit > Deselect to deselect all slices and objects, and select Animated GIF as the file format in the Optimize
For more information on optimizing, see “Optimizing GIF, PNG, TIFF, BMP, and PICT files” on page 265.
2 Select File > Export.
3 In the Export dialog box, type a name for the file and select the destination.
4 Click Export.
To export multiple animations with different animation settings as animated GIFs:
1 Shift-click the animations to select them all.
2 Select Edit > Insert > Slice.
A message box appears, asking if you want to insert one slice or multiple slices.
3 Click Multiple.
4 Select each slice individually and use the Frames panel to set different animation settings for each. For more infor-
mation about animation settings, see “Creating Animations” on page 238.
5 Select all the slices you would like to animate, and select Animated GIF as the file format in the Optimize panel.
For more information on optimizing, see “Optimizing GIF, PNG, TIFF, BMP, and PICT files” on page 265.
6 Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) each slice and select Export Selected Slice from the context
menu to export each slice individually. In the Export dialog box, type a name for each file, select the destination, and
click Export.
Exporting frames or layers
Fireworks can export each layer or frame in a document as a separate image file, using the optimization settings
specified in the Optimize panel. The name of the layer or frame determines the filename of each exported file. This
export method is sometimes used to export animations.
To export frames or layers as multiple files:
1 Select File > Export.