reference sheet for current set 350
secondary shortcuts 349
UTF-8 encoded reference
sheets 350
keyboard shortcuts in Help 3
Knife tool 103
Launch and Edit preferences 304
Launch options 347
layer effects, Photoshop 151
activating 159
adding and removing 160
disabling sharing across
frames 245
duplicating 160
expanding or collapsing 161
exporting 279
locking 162
moving 161
naming 161
organizing 161
removing from master pages 157
sharing 163
sharing across frames for
animation 244
viewing 161
Layers panel 27, 159
naming slices 213
viewing slices 203
leading 115
letter spacing. See kerning
Levels feature for adjusting tonal
range 72
Library panel 186
inserting button symbols 223
bitmap areas 66
images 68
line spacing 115
See also leading
lines 84
See also strokes
linking to master pages 157
Live Filters
applying 153
applying to objects 148
creating 152
editing 152
enabling or disabling 148
Fill Color 182
in buttons 222
Photoshop plug-ins 150
removing 152
renaming 153
reordering 152
LiveDocs 2
locked files 289, 304
locking layers 162
L-shape tool 87
macros 343
marquees 44
adjusting 47
contracting 49
deleting 52
deselecting 47
expanding 49
moving 47
removing 47
saving and restoring 51
selecting area around 50
selecting pixels by intersecting 48
smoothing 50
transferring to another object 50
masks 164
adding objects to a masked
selection 178
bitmap 165
creating empty 170
deleting 178
disabling 178
enabling 178
grouping objects to form a
mask 172
modifying 175
moving with masked objects 174
replacing 178
text as a mask 169
using an existing object as 167, 169
vector 164
master pages
changing to normal page 157
creating 157
linking to 157
removing layers 157
merging paths 99, 103
midtones 72
mirroring. See flipping objects
mobile phone graphics 17
mobile phone graphics. See WBMP
entering bitmap 12
entering vector 12
vector 84
Motion Blur filter 79
mouse events 210
Mouse Highlight preference 347
MXML export 329
nav (navigation) bars
creating 228
Down state 210
Over state 210
Restore behavior 210
navigating a document 31
navigation shortcuts 3
nearest neighbor interpolation
scaling method 347
nested tables 215
new document, matching Clipboard
size 15
new features 8
Numeric Transform command 57
object-oriented graphics 14
converting to animation 239
creating bitmaps 62
distorting 57
grouping 58
merging 162
moving selected 53
removing an effect 152
selecting 41
selecting alpha channel 48
skewing 56
slanting 56
stacking 59
ungrouping 58
objects, locating pasted 19
onion skinning
Button Editor 220
custom viewing 246